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Thursday, March 29, 2012
Get Your Battle On
Tonight is the 21st Annual 5th grade Battle of the Books Tournament. Each year teams from Moon Area and Rhema schools compete against one another in this literary event. Children form teams of five and read a total of 15 books chosen by school and public librarians. This year we have an amazing assortment of titles including a few classic loved books and brand new favorites. Over several months they study these books and prepare their teams for battle. Tonight these teams will go head-to-head in 3 trivia battle rounds to see who is the most well-read team in Moon Township. The Battle of the Books has been a radically popular and successful program for the last two decades. Children voluntarily sign up to read these books and work as a team. This year we have 28 teams competing for the title. In today's world where books are often overlooked in favor of video games, iPods and the like, it thrills me to see so many kids participating and getting so excited over reading!
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